You don't know what it's like to try to convince your heart
Trying telling yourself that you deserve someone new
But I always keep coming up with the same answer
No other girl will ever compare to you
I wish I could clear these memories of us together
I can't stand that every where I look, you are there
Why is it that you are the biggest part of me
When it's like on your end, you no longer care

I walk outside to try to get some fresh air
So I start looking up into the dark sky
Thinking that the pain will just go away
Suddenly I break down and start to cry
I can't even look at the stars without thinking about you
Remembering the first time we saw the shooting star together
Both of our hearts stopped at the same moment
In heaven, the angels looked down on us and whispered forever...

Remember the time that I had rose pedals that lead from your door
And went all the way into your room to your chair
I wanted your birthday to be something really special
And I wanted to show you that I really did care
How can I forget the time that we went to the basketball game
We cuddled up in the stands and I was the luckiest man in the world
I was watching my favorite basketball player
And I was sitting next to the most perfect girl

What about the many nights that we would play cards together
And when we learned how to play tennis together for the first time
Remember that one night when I came back and I was really sick
And you sat next to me and babied me to make sure that I was going to be fine
I taught you how to fish and I even bought you all the fishing stuff you would need
Remember the ankle bracelets that we made for each other
And what about the cologne and perfume that we both still wear
These are memories that we will never have with another

Another good memory, is when we went out shopping
We even bought shirts that we knew would match
You tried to get an outfit that would make you look thug
I'm a fisherman and you were the perfect catch
Everything I wanted in a girl was in you
You were the girl that I wanted as my wife
But now I have to walk away as if you were never there
And I have to completely push you out of my life

I am now parked at the spot that we used to fall asleep in the car
We would talk for hours until the sun would rise
Cuddling together all night long and smiling at each other
Or the random gifts I bought you as a cute surprise
I start thinking about the other cute things that we used to do
And remembering the fire that we had to make
We laid awake reading a book together
Or what about the time we had potatoes and the delicious steak