The extreme amount of happiness and pain can be felt only if u like someone very truely from heart...!
U're a part of someone's beautiful life.
U may never knw where u fit in their life.
But remember that,one day someone's life may never be completed without you.

But its nicer when someone holds ur hand n together u run crazily under the rain.
LOVE asked the DEATH:
Why do people like me and hate u?
DEATH replied:
Because you are a lie and i am the truth.
Pain of true love is like a baby crying...It knws for wht it

I wont force myself to have space in ur life...bcoz if u really knw my worth...u'l make one for me.
True care wil never go unnoticed.
Though 1 often makes mistakes in valuing it,nut they wil definetly understand once they start missing u.
If U will leave me,I pr0mise U will c0me back 0nce with ur 0PEN EYES to see my CLOSED EYES.
But My Fear Is That If She'll Not Be With Me..
Who'll Care And Love Her As Much As I Love Her'
I always try to be sincere
In all the matters with you
Because I want to be clear and true
You are the reason for my smile
Cant live without you for a while.

I've only one heart that i want to give you but,
i know u will break it so it is safe in my body
Wen evr I see a rainbow
I start thinking about U
Match that nature’s beauty
Wid my luv, that is U
I want 2 live 4 U
Even If I feel sad or blue.
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